The business is still ultimately run by the directors of the business. The directors of the business will still make all key operational decisions such as around recruitment, business direction and expenditure.
However a key incentive for making a business an EOT is giving employees greater influence in how it is run as it is ultimately being run for their benefit as employees. There are various ways this can be done, for instance it may be advisable to form an employee council, where employees have representatives on the council to give feedback or make recommendations to the board of directors. The board of directors may also need to have certain decisions, such as the profit distribution, approved by the Trustees.
However, the everyday management of the company remains the same, and is the responsibility of the board, as previously. The trustees of the EOT are majority shareholders though, meaning they will have voting control on some matters and need to be consulted on decisions influencing the financial transactions of the EOT. The board should consult regularly with the employee council, as the representative body of the employees and indirect owners of the company.